Faith and Practice Northern Yearly Meeting
This first edition of Northern Yearly Meeting's Faith and Practice supplies our statement of faith and descriptions of Quaker practice as we aspire to live our faith in the upper Midwest of the United States. The faith section includes perspectives on the Religious Society of Friends' historically rooted Testimonies (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Care for the Earth), and this is followed by sections covering Quaker practice and history.
The practice of Quakerism guides meetings in celebration of life events that welcome children, join people in marriage. Chapters also address moments of indecision and loss by touching on decision making through clearness process, as well as the elements of memorial services for those who have passed away. A brief history of Northern Yearly Meeting's first 30 years is presented, and a summary of Quaker history back to its founding.
Soft cover. Published by Northern Yearly Meeting, 2017.