Money and Soul - Quaker Faith and Practice and the Economy
Part of the Quaker Quicks series. This series of short paperbacks is very useful for outreach and for religious education.
Author Pamela Haines is available for book talks mostly in the Philadelphia region. Email the bookstore manager at audreyg@quakerbooks.org for contact information.
Economic issues pervade the testimonies. Quakers value equality, yet we see economic inequality increasing dramatically. We value integrity, yet our economic system has no place for conscience. We value simplicity, yet our growth economy requires ever-increasing consumption. We value community, yet our society throws out those on the margins. We value stewardship, yet are running through finite resources at an alarming rate. We value peace, yet the violence and devastation caused by our economic system’s exploitation of people and the planet is tragic. Thus this walk through the Quaker testimonies with particular attention to our economic system
Author: Pamela Haines
Publisher: Christian Alternative. 2019
Paperback, 80 pages
ISBN: 9781789040890