Walk Humbly Serve Boldly
By considering the prophetic ministry an ordinary consequence of listening for the Spirit of Truth as often as possible in all we do, space opens up for this way of being to be part of our life journey. The awareness of God is an awareness of the value of all life. Considering this as part of a journey makes it easier to accept setbacks and mistakes and to notice growth and newness, whether our journey is one of radical witness or of loving care for our neighbors.
Often the prophetic work starts with self-knowledge and personal healing. The Light, which is such a powerful instructor about the way forward, is also relentless in allowing us to see the painful corners of our attitudes and behaviors. Peace is not just about opposing war but is also about establishing justice, and it is initially felt within each heart and soul.
We have the choice to shift our focus from what is “ours” to what is infinite. Early Quakers again and again pointed out that the kingdom of God is within and that we will find this new creation within. The prophetic voice is nurtured by communities that know the reality of the new creation. Such a community is filled with everyday prophets and the occasional radical prophets who call the community to account as well as carry their deepest hopes to the wider world
See our collection of Margery Post Abbott's publications, here.
About the author
Margery Post Abbott is a member of Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland, Oregon, where her ministry has been formally minuted. She has been traveling and writing in the ministry for over twenty years. Marge has served as clerk of Friends Committee on National Legislation. Her numerous writings include Walk Worthy of Your Calling: Quakers and the Traveling Ministry and To Be Broken and Tender: A Quaker Theology for Today. In 2016, she presented the Backhouse Lecture for Australia Yearly Meeting. She has also spoke that year at Aotearoa/New Zealand Yearly Meeting.
Marge’s ministry seeks to connect Friends of different traditions. She believes we grow more fully as we engage across our traditions.
Author: Margery Post Abbott
Publisher: Inner Light Books (July 2018)