Climate, Food and Violence (QIF #8)
Climate, Food and Violence: Understanding the Connections, Exploring the Responses
The purpose of Climate, Food and Violence is to provide the information needed for an understanding of the issues arising in this double challenge in an accessible form to facilitate appropriate action. Included is a review of the current and potential effects of climate change on food production, of the control of food production and distribution, and of the potential for violent conflict. Appropriate responses are discussed in the context of a Quaker approach to solutions leading to a future where all humans, as well as the rest of God’s creatures, have access to the means for a fulfilling life.
This eighth pamphlet in the QIF series was prepared by a QIF Circle of Discernment in support of the work of the Friends Committe on National Legislation, a Quaker lobby in the public interest. While these pamphlets have been prepared for use within the Religious Society of Friends, they will also be of interest and use to anyone who is seeking to understand the connections among climate change, food and violence; and is motivated to work for a future of equality and resilience on Earth for the entire commonwealth of life.
See the full series here.