How on Earth Do We Live Now (QIF #2)
How on Earth Do We Live Now? Natural Capital, Deep Ecology, and the Commons
A radical re-assessment is underway on what it will take to prevent our industrial-commercial civilization from sliding sideways into the ditch of ecological breakdown and economic collapse. Many folks are now trying to engage this crisis from a footing of ecological integrity and social solidarity. Yet, the web of life is disrespected, degraded, and disrupted on every hand by destructive economic activity. More and more the critical factors of ecological integrity and social equity are compromised and unhinged by an economy that is both dysfunctional and out of control. As economist, David Ciscel, phrased it in a recent in Quaker Eco-Bulletin, "It's the economy, Friends."
See the full QIF series here.
Authors: David Cisel, Barbara Day, Keith Helmuth, Sandra Lewis, and Judy Lumb
Publisher: Quaker Institute for the Future (QIF).