Paths to Quaker Parenting: Using Quaker Beliefs, Testimonies and Practices
Parents ask questions:
- How should I respond to my three-year-old's whining for a cookie at 5:30?
- Should my nine-year-old have both an IPod and a cell phone, or neither?
- How do I deal with my anger when my teenager rolls his eyes and doesn't move after I've asked him to take out the trash?
Quaker parents look to their faith for guidance. This book is the sharing of a group of parents who have struggled with concerns such as these, have looked to their Quaker faith, and have found there strength and guidance.
Authors: Harriet Heath & the The Writing Group of the Quaker Parenting Initiative. This group represented a mixture of Quakerism. As Quakers, they included birthright and convinced, theistic and non theistic speaking Friends. As parents, they were mothers of children ranging in age from newborns to grandparents of teens. They met over a period of three years, asking our questions, voicing our concerns and sharing how our Quaker faith had supported and guided our parenting. From our sharing came this book.
Editor, Harriet Heath, Ph.D, a member of the Friends Counseling Service of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, served also as coordinator of the group. Dr. Heath has facilitated Quaker parent discussion groups for over twenty-five years. Her approach uses questions (queries) to guide parents as they search for the Way they feel called to nurture their individual children. A clinical developmental psychologist, she is the author of the Pendle Hill pamphlet, Answering that of God in Our Children and a book, using Your Values to Raise a Child You Admire as an Adult.
Publisher: Conrow Publishing House, 2006
ISBN-13: 978-0976967323
1/25/17 JBB