Quakers Politics and Economics
Quakers Politics and Economics - Volume 5 of the Quakers and the Disciplines series from Friends Association for Higher Education (FAHE). See the full series - click here.
For over 350 years, Quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends) have offered unapologetic prophetic witness to the formation of public policy and to scholarly discourse in political science and economics. This volume offers 18 new essays on aspects of that engagement, with topics including: • Religion as not just a private commitment but also a public witness. • Explorations of the moral dimensions of economic and political life. • Exemplary thought and practice in the lives of individual Quakers. • The blend of service, advocacy, and activism experienced by Friends. • The role of faith in defining and building a just social order. • The efforts of Quaker organizations and movements to bring about political and economic reforms. • Visions of constructive and compassionate ways to address global challenges and crises. The combination of essays and queries is designed to make the book serviceable within classroom and discussion settings and useful to scholars crossing disciplinary boundaries. “Most people associate Quakers with peace; fewer know the breadth of how we as Friends have practiced our faith from an economic perspective. Simplicity and integrity, of course; but this important volume--Quakers, Politics, and Economics--offers a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the historical, intellectual, environmental, political and spiritual wholeness of economic life. As we confront the cultural and social shifts of our global society that hungers for peace and justice, the economic choices we make in public policy will have significant impact on the welfare of the planet and people throughout the world. This eclectic collection of essays offers the reader material for both thoughtful discussion and spiritual reflection.” Diane Randall, Executive Secretary Friends Committee on National Legislation
Author: David. R. Ross, et al.
Publisher: Full Media Services, 2018
ISBN: 9780998337487, 396 pages, paperback