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Strength in Weakness Manifest in the Life, Various Trials, and Christian Testimony, of that Faithful Servant and Handmaid of the Lord, Elizabeth Stirredge

Strength in Weakness Manifest

$ 10.00

Strength in Weakness Manifest: in the Life, Various Trials, and Christian Testimony, of that Faithful Servant and Handmaid of the Lord, ELIZABETH STIRREDGE, Who Eeparted this Life, at Her House in Hempstead, in Hertfordshire, in the 72nd Year of her Age. Written by Her Own Hand. Showing Her Pious Care and Counsel to Her Children, and According to Their Desire, Made Public : Also for the Instruction and Benefit of Many Other Parents and Children Concerned. --- Phew! A long title for a short but impressive spiritual treasury from an early Friend. With notes and introduction

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