Seeds of Silence
Seeds of Silence: Essays in Quaker Spirituality and Philosophical Theology
R. Melvin Keiser delves into the depths of Quaker spirituality and their philosophy, showing us that we require silence to unlock our relationship with God. Seeds of Silence: Essays in Quaker Spirituality and Philosophical Theology questions the modern world's addiction to distractions and instant gratification, and leads us toward a semi-forgotten Christian tradition of contemplative thinking.
Praise for Seeds of Silence
This is the fruit of a life’s work reflecting on the basic questions of life and death. Such directness and honesty as we find here is not usual, even among philosophers and theologians. These basic questions are raw and imponderable. But Keiser is not trying to think his way through them, as many would expect a philosopher to, but is opening himself up to the experience of wonder and puzzlement that made him ask these questions in the first place. This leads into exploration of silence. This is not to say that he gives up thinking. Finding commonalities with the philosophies of Wittgenstein, Polanyi, and Merleau-Ponty, and the poetry of T.S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens, Keiser discovers how attending to silence yields a sense of reality which opens the possibility of us moderns perceiving answers to questions that most concern us. Much of the book is devoted to recovering the vision of early Quakers who articulated this response to the mysteries of life. - Rex Ambler Senior Lecturer in Theology, Birmingham University author of The Quaker Way: A Rediscovery; Truth of the Heart: An Anthology of George Fox
Publisher: Christian Alternative, 2021
ISBN: 9781789045499
Paperback, 320 pages