Quakers Business and Industry
Quakers, Business and Industry is Volume 4 of the Friends Association for Higher Education’s “Quakers & the Disciplines” series. See the full series here.
This books focuses on the much vaunted reputation of Quakers in business and industry. It interrogates some of the myths about Quaker success and their reasons for engaging in commerce, offers case studies of key areas of business, and highlights some of the pioneers of industry. This volume also helps theorise key Quaker understandings of wealth-creation and explores some of the shifting patterns and possibilities that have emerged in the last century and a half. Royalties from Quakers, Business and Industry (Q&D 4), Quakers and Literature (Q&D 3), Befriending Truth (Q&D 2), Quaker Perspectives in Higher Education (Q&D 1), and all other books in the “Quakers & the Disciplines” series, will accrue to support the Friends Association for Higher Education’s ongoing publishing efforts.