Imagination and Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader
From essays about the "mystery at the core of all being" to a murder mystery by Irene Allen, this collection offers some of the "best of the best" of contemporary Quaker nonfiction and fiction, with a brief biography of each author. Includes selections from writings of popular twentieth and twenty-first century Quaker writers: Thomas Kelly, Douglas Steere, D. Elton Trueblood, James Michener, Jessamyn West, Jan de Hartog, Daisy Newman, Tom Mullen, Richard Foster, Phil Gulley, Scott Russell Sanders, Elizabeth Gray Vining, Elfrida Vipont Foulds, and David Yount.
Author: J. Brent Bill is a writer, photographer, popular speaker, retreat leader, and Quaker minister. His other books include Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker: A Humble Stumble toward Simplicity and Grace and Sacred Compass: The Way of Spiritual Discernment. To see more writings by J. Brent Bill, click here.
Publisher: Friends United Press (2003)ISBN: 9780944350614
Paperback, 288 pages