Faith & Play Materials Kit: Queries
This KIT can be used to construct the following story materials:
• A gray or light blue felt underlay, approximately 24” x 36”
• Two tan felt circles about 6” in diameter (one representing a contemporary First Day program for children, and the other, a circle of early Friends)
• Six or more freestanding people figures representing the children and adult today
• Six or more additional people figures representing historic Friends
• A dark blue or black felt question mark that fits on the underlay and is large enough to encircle the historic Friends at its top. The question mark, minus the dot, is 24” from top to bottom; the dot is about 4 1/2” in diameter.
• Eight queries (see template). These can be cut out and be laminated and/or mounted on card stock. See story for order of query cards along question mark.
• Optional: To make a jail, use felt, stiff felt, or craft foam, and cut out a barred window.
Click here to see all the Faith & Play kits and related books.
Faith & Play kits are non-returnable.