Be Still and Listen
Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life
The various crises we experience in society and culture today, at their root, reveal a spiritual problem: a profound lack of meaning. The mystical truths revealed in scripture can surely help.
With Be Still and Listen it is possible to explore the contemplative dimensions of the Bible, either on your own or in a group setting, as you perhaps never have before.
Part One, “Entering the Desert,” introduces the reader to principles of awareness, deep listening, and contemplation as essential for “hearing” what Scripture has to say. Part Two details the importance of mystery and struggle in the process of healing from any past or present wounds. And Part Three explores the “undivided heart” that is possible when we come to know God in silence and stillness. -Publisher's website
“Amos Smith’s unique voice is rooted in his long-term centering prayer practice and his international background. Be Still and Listen is a trumpet call to the inner treasures of contemporary Christian mysticism.”
—RICHARD ROHR, author of Falling Upward
“In a lively, accessible, and masterful style Amos Smith unveils the mystical foundations of Christianity and the spiritual wealth found in Scripture.”
— KYRIACOS MARKIDES, author of The Mountain of Silence
“Be Still and Listen promises to be a refreshing companion to your spiritual journey, helping you to deepen your capacity for presence of being, assisting you to live in the here and now, and guiding you along the mystical path with Christ.”
—PHILEENA HEUERTZ, author of Pilgrimage of a Soul
“Amos Smith’s mystical writing builds bridges between Eastern and Western Christianity.”
—ABBA YOHANNES, Ethiopian Orthodox monk
Author: Amos Smith
Publisher: Paraclete (2018)
Paperback, 160 pages