A Culture of Faithfulness - Pendle Hill Pamphlet #462
Small groups of people living faithfully in the power of God have provided the impetus for major changes in human culture. We Quakers played that role in remarkable ways in the past and can do so in our time, as well – if we learn again to be radically open and deeply faithful to the Spirit. This pamphlet describes three ways Friends can cultivate such faithfulness: First, by supporting individuals and the community to become more aware of the Divine Presence and to open more fully to the movement of the Spirit within; second, by providing help in discerning divine guidance, calls, and leadings; third, by helping each other follow faithfully where God leads. If we increase our use of these practices, we will be a more powerful spiritual force for healing in this world today.
See more Marcelle Martin's writings, here.
Author: Marcelle MartinPublisher: Pendle Hill (2020)
ISBN: 9780875744629