A Call to Friends
A Call to Friends: Faithful Living in Desperate Times
In this work, Marty Grundy argues that we need to envision a different way to organize society that is not inherently exploitative, hierarchical, racist, and patriarchal. New economic and political systems can evolve from a Spirit-inspired vision of a different social system.
Looking at the ills of our times it seems that early Friends had the antidote that is so desperately needed today. They experienced the simple but extremely difficult Truth that we are loved unconditionally and are called to live lives of integrity and love—and to do this together in community. They understood this required surrendering their self-will in order to discern and obey the Inward Guide teaching them how to create a more just and loving society. Perhaps too many Friends today have forgotten or lost sight of the radical call of these life-changing experiences.
What are we learning from the Inward Teacher today? What does faithful action look like in these challenging, disruptive, discouraging times? In A Call to Friends, Marty Grundy suggests that Friends recapture our vision. Following the example of early Friends, who picked up on what Jesus taught, we are not asked to invent or promote a new political or economic system. Instead, we are offered the much more radical and difficult invitation to live into a new social system that is based on agape love and compassion.
About the author: Marty Grundy was born into a Quaker family with roots going back to the 1650s. She has written for both scholarly and religious publications, including several articles and more than sixty book reviews for Friends Journal. Marty is a member of Wellesley Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting.
Author: Marty GrundyPublisher: Inner Light books (2020)
ISBN: 9781734630077
Paperback, 58 pages