Modern Psalms: In Search of Peace and Justice
Modern Psalms: In Search of Peace and Justice
The Psalms of the Hebrew Bible were written to express the deepest emotions of a people of faith longing for God's peace and justice in their hearts and in their world. Author Dwight Wilson follows this tradition in crying out to God against injustice he sees and experiences today, his longing for and joy in God's presence, and the love he finds daily—despite the brokenness of our world.
The underlying tone of all these psalms is our commitment—relying on divine power—to be actively engaged in righting these endless wrongs. Dwight Wilson challenges us to join him when he says: “Let us tie our cables / to the problem and pull. / Together.” - William Shetter review in Friends Journal
More books by Dwight Wilson, here, including The Kidnapped and The Resistors.
Author: Dwight L. Wilson; Illustrator: Nancy MarstallerPublisher: Friends United Press; First Edition edition (November 20, 2017)
ISBN: 9780944350317