Revelation and Revolution: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #431
Revelation and Revolution: Answering the Call to Radical Faithfulness
For Steve Chase, being a faithful friend and follower of Jesus has always meant being engaged in nonviolent revolutionary work to bring about a beloved community which embodies spiritual wisdom, social justice, and ecological sustainability. His understanding of this call is informed by the Jewish prophets, Jesus, early Quakers, the life example of Martin Luther King, Jr., and by decades of reflection on his own and other people’s stories of working to help heal and repair the world. In this pamphlet, written in part as a response to the Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice, Steve distills the core features of the spiritual call to faithful activism and urges us to rise above the understandable, but debilitating, sins of denial, despair, and distraction. Discussion questions included.
Steve Chase, author of Letters to a Fellow Seeker: A Short Introduction to the Quaker Way, is a long-time Quaker writer, activist, and educator. He is currently Director of Education at Pendle Hill and working on a new book with Ruah Swennerfelt entitled Building Beloved Communities: A Transition Town Movement Primer for People of Faith. He is also the director of Pendle Hill’s new Answering the Call to Radical Faithfulness program, an intensive online/on-campus certificate program in prophetic activism and civic engagement.
Publisher: Pendle Hill Press
Publication Date: 2015
For Steve Chase, being a faithful friend and follower of Jesus has always meant being engaged in nonviolent revolutionary work to bring about a beloved community which embodies spiritual wisdom, social justice, and ecological sustainability. His understanding of this call is informed by the Jewish prophets, Jesus, early Quakers, the life example of Martin Luther King, Jr., and by decades of reflection on his own and other people’s stories of working to help heal and repair the world. In this pamphlet, written in part as a response to the Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice, Steve distills the core features of the spiritual call to faithful activism and urges us to rise above the understandable, but debilitating, sins of denial, despair, and distraction. Discussion questions included.
Steve Chase, author of Letters to a Fellow Seeker: A Short Introduction to the Quaker Way, is a long-time Quaker writer, activist, and educator. He is currently Director of Education at Pendle Hill and working on a new book with Ruah Swennerfelt entitled Building Beloved Communities: A Transition Town Movement Primer for People of Faith. He is also the director of Pendle Hill’s new Answering the Call to Radical Faithfulness program, an intensive online/on-campus certificate program in prophetic activism and civic engagement.
Publisher: Pendle Hill Press
Publication Date: 2015