Wrestling with our Faith Tradition
Wrestling with Our Faith Tradition: Collected Public Witness, 1995-2004
This book is a collection of messages by Lloyd Lee Wilson following publication of his impactful Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order (1993). Friends were so taken with Wilson's ability to speak "to the condition" of Friends, across the spectrum of Friends' traditions, that he received many invitations to speak at yearly meetings and events. Those lectures comprise Wrestling with Our Faith Tradition.
Divided into two sections, “Faith” and “Practice,” the book spans ten years of Lloyd Lee Wilson’s personal search for the fine balance between faithfulness to the tradition out of which our peculiar walk arises and living faithfully in our contemporary culture.
We are invited to participate in the countercultural action of putting God, rather than ourselves, at the center of our stories. As we can have a sense of ourselves in the cosmic story that begins with God, we may also come to see the meaning of our lives as being expressed in God’s infinite love for us.
Unashamedly Christian, Lloyd Lee Wilson shares openly of his lifelong process of being born again, of his being shown early on by a mentoring Friend that everything he, new to Quakerism, liked about this particular faith walk stemmed from the fact that it is a Christian faith. In “A Confession of Faith” Lloyd Lee Wilson carefully defines the specificity of a Quaker Christian with gem-like phrases that speak of the often elusive distinctives. He is reminding the reader that our worship celebrates the loving presence of God rather than our devotion to God.
-from Deborah Shaw's foreword
Author: Lloyd Lee Wilson
Publisher: QuakerPress of FGC (2005)
ISBN: 9781888305364
Paperback, 231 pages