Love First
Love First: A Children's Ministry for the Whole Church
This book has been added to QuakerBooks as part of the FGC Gathering 2021 Collection. It will be recommended in Melinda Wenner Bradley's workshop.
Publisher's description:
• A sought-after model and guide to a new paradigm for children's ministries
• Creative program based on research and personal experience
Struggling to offer a children's program that resonates with young families? Finding it difficult to recruit teachers and volunteers for your children's program? Want a children's ministry that is grounded in Christ's foundational teachings and relevant to the experiences of children today? This must-have guide to rethinking your children's ministry is informed and intelligent, with the lighthearted humor so helpful to working with children. Through storytelling, testimonials, and research-based creativity, you'll be inspired and energized to use your church's gifts, your children's interests, and your families' needs to develop a children's ministry that fits your church and the people in it. An appendix includes sample lesson plans, suggested Bible stories and book,
and sermons.
Publisher: Church Publishing (2018)
ISBN: 9781640650640
Paperback, 160 pages