George Fox's Legacy: Friends For 350 Years
George Fox's Legacy: Friends For 350 Years
This book is a compilation of writings from a 2002 conference to commemorate and analyze the the impact of George Fox and early Quakers upon later generations of Friends. In his own time, Fox was a controversial figure, and his example and legacy continue to be debated within and among the various branches of Quakerism and by scholars of religion and British history.
Dedication - Mary Ellen Chijioke
General Introduction - J. William Frost
George Fox and William Penn: Their Relationship and Their Roles within the Quaker Movement - Melvin Eddy
Liberal Friends (Re)Discover Fox - Chuck Fager
"New Light on Old Ways": Gurneyites, Wilburites, and the Early Friends -Thomas Hamm
The Search for Seventeenth-Century Authority during the Hicksite Reformation - H. Larry Ingle
Early Friends and the Renewal of British Quakerism, 1890-1920 - Thomas Kennedy
Isaac Penington and the Authority of George Fox - Rosemary Moore
"Come in at the Door!" How Foxian Metaphors of Salvation Speak to Evangelical Friends - Arthur O. Roberts
Holiness: The Quaker Way of Perfection - Carole D. Spencer
Editors: Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry, J. William Frost
Publisher: Friends Historical Association, 2006
Paperback, 149 pages