The Worship Kit
John Lampen's The Worship Kit book is for children and younger teenagers who attend Quaker Meeting. it will help you find a way to be calm and quiet in meeting; how to think about people you love in the silence; suggestions for getting help in the silence if you have troubles; ways of caring about world problems during worship; thoughts on listening, reading and speaking in meeting and ideas about what it is that we are worshipping. A British book but full of useful ideas that cross the Atlantic well.
The book has been used at all grade levels at Friends Community School and been helpful to teachers in supporting students find more meaning during weekly M4W. - recommendation from a frequent Quaker volunteer
Please note: we order these from London and it may take several weeks to fill an order when we are out of stock.
Author: John LampenPublisher: Quaker Books (Great Britain), 2010
paperback, 46 pages