Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity
For anyone feeling too busy or too stressed seeking to simplify their life, this guide maps out several routes to simplicity. For over 300 years, the Quakers have lived out of a spiritual center in a way of life they call "plain living". Their accumulated experiences and distilled wisdom have much to offer anyone seeking greater simplicity today.
"When I discovered the Quaker tradition twenty-five years ago, 'plain living' was the quality I found most compelling. So it is a great gift to me, and will prove a great gift many others, that Cathy Whitmire has lifted up this central feature of Quakerism—and of human wholeness—in her lovely and lively book." -- Parker J. Palmer (from the foreword)
"This book is a collection of the sayings of Friends (ranging from Margaret Fell and Isaac Penington to Jan Hoffman and Patricia Loring) which speak to every aspect of living a spiritually centered and simple life. topics explored include work, plain speech, money and resources, committed relationships, grief, fear, leadings, community, practicing non-violence, spirit-led service and inward simplicity. Each section is followed by queries. An excellent resource for study groups. "Plain Living will be a well-loved, well-thumbed book, touching on every aspect of our personal choices, as ...We try to walk the challenging walk of holy simplicity." - Elise Boulding
Author: Catherine WhitmirePublisher: Ave Maria Press (2001)
ISBN: 9781893732285
Paperback, 192 pages