Decision Making & Spiritual Discernment
Quaker author Nancy Bieber writes on the practice of spiritual discernment . Drawing on twenty-five years of experience as a psychologist and fifteen years of experience as a spiritual director she presents three essential aspects of Spirit-led decision-making: Willingness - being open to God's wisdom and love; attentiveness - noticing what is true, discerning the path right for us; Responsiveness - taking steps forward as the way becomes clear.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Making a Start 1
Part I Willingness
1 Opening with a "Yes"
2 Facing Our Fears 31
Part II Attentiveness
3 Surveying the Situation
4 Listening to the Inner Self
5 Noticing God's Nudges
6 The Habit of Attentiveness
Part III Responsiveness
7 Testing Our Decisions
8 Step by Step
9 When We Have to Wait
10 The Harvest of Discernment
Epilogue: A Letter for Decision Makers