John Woolman and the Affairs of Truth
John Woolman is so well known for his journal that his other writings are often overlooked. This edition gathers into one convenient volume and in chronological order all of the known essays, epistles, and other works which Woolman intended for general readers. The editor's introduction to each of the texts is intended to explain the context for each work in its historical moment.
Editor: James Proud
Publisher: Inner Light books, 2011
ISBN: 9780979711077
Paperback, 352 pages
Table of contents –
Preface -- A Life of letters -- Woolman's holographs –
Some Considerations on the keeping of Negroes –
An epistle from our General Spring Meeting of ministers and elders, etc., to Friends on the Continent of America 1755 -
To Friends at their Monthly Meeting at New Garden and Cane Creek in North Carolina –
From our Yearly Meeting held at Philadelphia, etc. to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends 1759 –
Considerations on keeping Negroes: part second -- A word of remembrance & caution to the rich &c. –
Ephemera (of various dates): --
Untitled parable on "a tax demanded for evil ends" –
Account of peace mission dream –
Notes and commentaries on Anthony Benezet's A Caution and Warning to Great Britain –
Untitled fragment on patience and on trusting in God –
Copies of two letters on 'high living' and 'expensive customs' –
Thoughts on the customary use of silver vessels –
Considerations on pure wisdom, and human policy; on labor; on schools; and on the right use of the Lord's outward gifts
Serious considerations on trade –
First book for children –
Considerations on the true harmony of mankind & how it is to be maintained –
Conversations on the true harmony of mankind & how it may he promoted –
Epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends 1772 –
The final essays, written at sea and in England.
A Guide to the manuscripts of John Woolman's literary works, personal business records, and epistles from PYM [Philadelphia Yearly Meeting] to other yearly meetings –
Reformers of the mid-eighteenth century American Quaker Church: Israel Pemberton, Jr. and John Woolman -- Table 1. John Woolman's missionary journeys and his traveling companions –
Table 2. John Woolman's annual appointments to the PYM epistle committees writing to other yearly meetings –
Table 3. The PYM Overseers of the Press between 1743 and 1771 –
Appendix Text 1. The Epistle of 1756 from PYM to Long Island YM –
Appendix Text 2. The Epistle of 1757 from PYM to Virginia YM –
Appendix Text 3. The Epistle of 1758 from PYM to North Carolina YM –
Appendix Text 4. The Epistle of 1760 from PYM to Rhode Island YM –
Appendix Text 5. The Epistle of 1761 from PYM to Rhode Island YM –
Appendix Text 6. The Epistle of 1762 from PYM to Long Island YM –
Appendix Text 7. The Epistle of 1763 from PYM to Long Island YM –
Appendix Text 8. The Epistle of 1764 from PYM to London YM –
Appendix Text 9. The Epistle of 1768 from PYM to London YM –
Appendix Text 10. The Epistle of 1770 from PYM to London YM -- John Woolman's memorial concerning his brother Abner addressed to the Meeting for Sufferings at Philadelphia –
Appendix Text 11. The testament to Abner Woolman's children -- Subject Index -- Scripture Index